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The Star Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot card image

The Star Keywords

Upright Keyword:

Hope, inspiration, positivity, serenity, renewal.

Reversed Keyword:

Despair, discouragement, lack of faith, pessimism, disconnection.

The Star Description

The Star is the seventeenth card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, symbolizing hope, inspiration, and the light after darkness. This card often depicts a serene night sky with a large, bright star surrounded by seven smaller stars, which represent the chakras or energy centers. A figure is shown pouring water into a pool and onto the land, symbolizing the flow of unconscious and conscious energies. The Star reflects a period of healing and tranquility following turmoil, shining light on paths previously obscured.

The Star Upright

Upright, The Star brings a message of hope and renewal. It encourages you to trust in the universe and maintain a positive outlook as you navigate through life's challenges. The presence of The Star suggests that you are on the path to recovery and growth, highlighting the importance of inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. It invites you to draw on your inner strength and remain optimistic, even in the face of adversity, as brighter days are ahead.

The Star Reversed

Reversed, The Star may indicate feelings of despair and a lack of faith in the future. It suggests that you might be feeling disconnected from your spiritual path or overwhelmed by negativity. This position warns against losing hope and giving in to pessimism, urging you to find the light within and reconnect with your higher self. It calls for a renewal of faith and a recommitment to follow your dreams and ideals, despite the current challenges.

The Star Conclusion

The Star in the Tarot is a beacon of hope and guidance. Whether upright or reversed, it teaches the importance of staying connected to our inner light and maintaining faith in the midst of difficulties. The Star encourages us to look beyond immediate challenges and focus on long-term aspirations. By embracing its energy, we can find solace in times of darkness and emerge stronger, more inspired, and ready to pursue our true path.

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