Guan Yin Oracle Lot xxx
观 音 灵 签 第 xxx 签
鲸 鱼 未 化 守 江 湖 ,未 许 升 腾 离 碧 波
异 日 峥 嵘 身 变 态 ,从 教 一 跃 禹 门 过
Sign Poetry
Inauspicious Sign
Mao Palace & Rabbit Palace
The heavens unfold, the earth takes shape, a noble union is sealed,
Blessed days and auspicious hours bring fulfillment to all endeavors.
Should you draw this sign, it heralds no ordinary fate,
For one who walks with righteousness, a king's destiny awaits.
Guanyin Lingqian, also known as the Guanyin Oracle, is a traditional Chinese form of divination. It involves seeking guidance from the wisdom of Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, who is revered for her kindness, understanding, and ability to provide spiritual guidance. Through a simple yet profound ritual, individuals ask questions or seek answers, and the oracle provides insights through the drawing of a sacred slip of paper known as a "fortune slip."
Each fortune slip contains a verse or poetic line that offers guidance on life's challenges, helping individuals gain clarity, find direction, and receive comfort. The interpretation of these verses is based on ancient wisdom and reflects the compassionate teachings of Guanyin, often encouraging patience, harmony, and personal growth.
Guanyin Lingqian is not only a tool for foreseeing the future but also a means of connecting with a higher source of wisdom. Whether seeking answers about relationships, career, or personal well-being, the oracle serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and mindfulness in navigating life's uncertainties.
Celestial Meaning 神谕
Detail Explanation 详细解释
Cultural Allusion 文化典故
What is Chinese GuanYin Oracle?
Click here to uncover the divine guidance behind your fortune. Explore the interpretation of your sign, discover insights into your destiny—whether in love, career, or family—and delve into the rich cultural allusions that shape the wisdom of this reading.
Focus your mind and heart on the question you seek. With sincerity and reverence, ask for guidance. Trust the Divine’s wisdom, and let your intentions be pure.
Meaning of the Poetry 诗意
The oracle reveals, the heart discerns. 签文显现,慧心洞见。